Have a sporting event scheduled and want to make sure it's seen? Whether you need a live game production over the internet or just want the entire event captured to be edited down later, Storied Rivals has the ability to meet your demands. Your event is important, so treat it that way.
If you need a videographer for a particular event (either one or multiple), Storied Rivals can put together a custom package that fits what you are looking for. This is our version of an ala carte service on a as-needed basis. It could be a single youth soccer game, high school volleyball game needed for a recruit video, an awards banquet, or even a cheerleading competition. We can create a custom package just for you! Take it a step further, and we can even package everything to a DVD and sell copies in a revenue sharing opportunity.
Our high-definition cameras and broadcast equipment will put your sporting event out there for the world to see. We use the latest social media integration tools, allowing your event to not just be limited to a webpage, but viewable across different outlets. These broadcasts will also be archived online for on-demand viewing.
- Let us know how we can help! Allow us to answer any questions or concerns by sending an email to info@storiedrivals.com.