Become our first LACROSSE TEAM client of 2013 and document the grueling journey.
The process goes like this. You are a senior. You've put every ounce of effort into the final preparations for your final season. You spent countless hours in the gym, ran sprints until you collapsed, and sweat until you couldn't sweat anymore while trying to get bigger, faster, and stronger in the weight room.
Your teammates are your best friends. You spend every minute together. You can't imagine your life without them.
The anticipation for the season can't be measured. It's everything you've worked for. One last shot at greatness. Fans fill the stands. Game-by-game the tension grows. The season is on the line.
Then... it's over. Just like that, it all comes to an end. Your time is up.
That's not an exageration. The big games, the thrilling wins, and the emotional setbacks disappear over night. That empty feeling takes over.
"Is that it? I'm done?" Ask anyone who's been there. There aren't many things more unsettling than taking off that jersey for the last time. No words that can make it better.
Some teams are fortunate enough to have won a championship or two. They will get a trophy, maybe a banner. They will be talked about for years to come, but will anyone "really" remember them? Never will anyone be able to see that team play again and over time your legacy will fade; unless it's documented.
It never fails, whenever someone from a past generation sees one of our films the first words out of their mouth are "I wish I had something like that when I played." They see the priceless value of their youth captured forever. A movie that can be shared for a lifetime.
Envision how you will feel when it's all over. You would give anything to bring it all back. That's why now is the time to contact us and get your team onboard for our Team Highlight Package. Once the season is over, there is nothing we can do.
Invest in your memories and "Leave a Legacy" because once it's over there is no going back. All you are left with is a worn out t-shirt and a box of photos. Your family and friends will be thanking you for a lifetime. Let us tell your story. You haven't seen anything like this!
- For more information and to get your team locked in, shoot us an email to We can't wait to work with you and your team!